Sunday, January 4, 2015

An Old Open Letter to the Church

I stumbled upon this letter I wrote to an old church of mine some ten years ago. As I read it I found just how much it still fits for so many churches. While I can tell by some of its contents it is from an earlier me, I opted to leave that intact. To just share as I shared then. So with only a few edits removing a few specific details that was being written for that congregation I share with you an early epistle of my own writing:

To My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My dear friends, I write to you today in order to encourage your involvement as well as offer hope and assurance of the mission that we stand for as Christian Soldiers.

My brothers and sisters, I plead to you now more than ever to take some time to consider your calling to the church of God. This time will take prayer, personal meditation, perhaps even discussion with those close to you. But standing blind or ignoring the gifts that God alone has bestowed upon you is unacceptable, as we must all work together to move forward in the mission to spread the Good News. We must examine all of our serviceable options, for we know that there are varieties of service, but the same Lord. There are many forms of work, but all of them, in all men, are the work of the same Lord. (1Corinthians 12:5-6). The church is now turning to you for help, for we are the body (see 1 Corinthians 12:27) that functions to bring the Gospel to the world.

Understand, no one is required to serve. Service is not the price for salvation, for that debt has been paid in full by Christ Jesus. As repentant believers, admittance to the kingdom of heaven is already yours. We need to do nothing but turn to God with an open heart. But if we truly believe and rejoice in that salvation we should desire to bring others to that same light that we saw shining in the darkness.

This service must be observed in many ways: in our outreach opportunities, in our weekly activities and duties, in our governing church body and voters’ assemblies, and most importantly-in Sunday service. But these duties need people to fill the void and lighten the load on those who are stressing to do as much as they possibly can. The more people who volunteer to help the easier the jobs will be as well. Furthermore, these duties must not just coexist, but intertwine. A leg is useless if it is not attached to the body. As that body we must work together and in the ministries and positions we are not able to fill we must support. We must show respect and encouragement and prayers to those who fill those roles and even offer financial support. So I beg you all, for the good of the Church, to look in your hearts and find the gifts you have and the calling to serve.

There will be many trials, but God will see to it. We must trust and obey. For when the storm hits the wall many bricks will lose sight and fall. But it is the bricks that hold strong to the Rock of Salvation that stay standing. It is upon this Rock that the church was built, and it is this Rock that holds it up, and only the will of this Rock has the authority to say “Your job is done, sinner come home.” Until then, hold onto that Rock. So while serving gets rough turn to the Lord in prayer, for God will see to it.

Finally, I send good news! I am doing well and enjoy many spiritual services and opportunities allowing myself too to remain busy serving. Though I miss you all and you remain in my prayers. I will hopefully be returning soon and will have an opportunity to see you. But until then may God hold you in the palm of His hand, and may we all find unity and peace in Christ Jesus our Lord.
To God be the Glory

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