Tuesday, March 7, 2023

LENT DAY 12: The Call of Discipleship

 Day 12 Tuesday - Mar 7, 2023; Feb 27, 2024; Mar 18, 2025

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. -Matthew 28:19-20

As we read the Gospels, we see that Jesus called a lot of people to follow him. For example, he called to the fisherman by the sea (Mark 1:17, 20), the tax collector Levi (Mark 2:14), a rich young man (Mark 10:21), and a man who appeared to have just lost his father (Luke 9:59) to name a few. Every disciple whom Jesus called knew that Jesus received them as disciples. They knew that they had this calling and purpose in life. They knew that following him was not in vain.

I find one of the worst feelings in life is being left to judge for myself how another is judging my actions. I preach a funeral for someone I hardly knew and immediately hope to hear if I portrayed the person accurately and applied the gospel in a way that could be heard for the deceased and his or her loved ones. If I secretly plan a surprise for my wife or daughter, I am eager (even anxious) for its revealing to know if they approve of that which I had worked out for them. To put it simply: I don’t want what I do to have been for nothing.

This is certainly true as a Christian. I don’t want to seek the life of faith wondering if God has truly called out to me. I don’t want to be left wondering if I belong in the church. I don't want to hold on to a word of forgiveness that God didn't really intend for me. I don’t want it to be for nothing. If all this were hidden from us, we would be left to judge for ourselves how God feels about us following him. But that’s not the case.

Jesus tells the disciples to make more disciples. Let them be “of all nations” - everywhere for everyone. And let them hear the Master call to them specifically in baptism. In this way they know they are called to be his disciples, to learn everything he has to teach, and to follow him always.

Your baptism is God's way of saying that this way of life is not in vain. It’s precisely what you are supposed to be doing. And its promises are for you.

When I think of giving up on this Christian life, Lord, let my baptism tell me no. When I begin to doubt your promise is for me, let my baptism tell me to believe it. Let its waters write the words "Called by Jesus' over my life, so my whole life I would know I am one of his disciples, called to take up my cross and follow him. Amen.

This post is a part of my daily Lenten devotional on Baptism. You can read more about it here.

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